Sunday, May 22, 2011

life or something like it.


i've been receiving complaints about the blogs slow progress, lack of posts, a slow down in readership. 

it is all very sad. 
but i've been living in a state of near dying boredom. 
dont know what it is, but goddammit (which is totally my new favorite word)
i dont feel the need to blog or write, or doodle, or care.  
i know it sounds utterly depressing. and for a while it was.
a few things happened.
a very strange encounter with a musician. which turned out to do some damage. 
but inspired me to listen to manchester orchestra. all the time. 
an awesome opportunity to enter a short film competition.
we worked like dogs. but i think it was an awesome learning opportunity.
thanks to my gang. tommy, jhono, alex. it was good. 
(will be uploading a short video mash up of what we did for the movie.)
a big realization that life is sometimes the most ridiculous thing.
so slammed with irony and expectation, that it sometimes drives you insane.
i want to finally get a tattoo. "portions for foxes"
yes, been listening to rilo kiley again.
this damn nostalgia, that i'm constantly experiencing. 
i'm enjoying the site 'letters of note' which exhibits letters written by famous people.
or as their tag line says 'correspondence deserving of a wider audience' 
its as cute has hell. 
much have been said about the zombie apocalypse but i was just to tired to care.
but damn those rapture jokes on twitter got so old. so soon. 
i want to start reading david foster wallace. thats my mission for the week. 
'infinite jest'
oh f. i also find two albums ridicoulisly super fantastic. resonating all my 'feelings'
EMA - past life martyred saints.
the kills - blood pressures.
oh and okay the third, the much publicized pains of being pure at heart - belong.
find me on twitter, if you want to hear all about my cynical and snide side. 

Posted via email from sailorsmouth

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