Wednesday, February 29, 2012

pink marble cheeks.


ex drummer of fleet foxes. 

I see a lot of rampant, sexless, male-fantasy everywhere in the music around me.
 I didn’t want any alter-egos, any vagaries, fantasy, escapism, any over-wrought sentimentality.

 I like humor and sex and mischief.
 So when you think about it, it’s kind of mischievous to write about yourself in a plain-spoken, kind of explicitly obvious way and call it something like ‘Misty’.
 I mean, I may as well have called it ‘Steve’”.

Because the marble made my cheeks look pink

But I’m unsure of so many things

Posted via email from sailorsmouth

Saturday, February 25, 2012

i say come on brittany

in the music department, there is very few things that amuse me these days...
i've recently listened to lambchops mr m. which is something dark and twisty. 
and right down my own dark, twisty avenue.

in december last year, i found a few tracks by alabama shakes,
probably famous cos queen of the breakup anthem adele mentioned them somewhere.
but oh my, how far removed from the adele scene. 
brittany howard, lead singer, guitarist, a corkscrew haired, rather large girl, looking like a student.
but she can fucking sing.   
some guy commented on youtube "she is a the souls of janis and hendrix combined"
not sure if that is true, but she is super powerful.
note they will be super famous soon, adele, russel crow endorsed band this one.

here is some of brittany

Posted via email from sailorsmouth